domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

El castillo-escuela de Hansenberg

Hansenberg es un antiguo castillo situado en las bellas afueras de Johannisberg, Geisenheim, entre viñedos. Fue remodelado para ubicar en él una escuela para chicos de alto rendimiento.
Estuve en el lugar varias veces y pude ver cómo iba creciendo, agregando edificios y mejorando sus alrededores.
Como es un internado al que concurren alumnos de toda Europa, los fines de semana pueden verse familias recorriendo la zona, reencontrándose. 

Hansenberg Castle is an Upper Level Secondary School and boarding school established in 2003 in the state of Hessen. We are based on a public-private partnership model with strong economic partners, working to provide an environment for motivated, intellectually gifted, and socially competent students.
Students who are selected from the 9th grade (or the 10th grade) to attend Hansenberg will be prepared to take the A-Level in three years.
It is our goal to help mould our students into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to take on the responsibilities of society.
Further information on our school model, the boarding school philosophy, and the application process can be found on the corresponding page on our homepage or in our brochure.
We look forward to meeting new students who possess both the motivation and ability to take advantage of this opportunity to challenge themselves with similar individuals in an intensive teaching and learning environment that will both test and expand their abilities.
Wolfgang Herbst, Headmaster


Internatsschule Schloss Hansenberg
Hansenbergallee 11
65366 Geisenheim-Johannisberg
Telefon: 06722 496–0
E-Mail: info"at"

Verantwortliche im Sinne des Presserechts

Viktoria von Zitzewitz-Schänzer (Geschäftsführerin)
Hansenbergallee 11
65366 Geisenheim-Johannisberg
Telefon: 06722 496–12
Telefax: 06722 496–297
E-Mail: v.zitzewitz-schaenzer"at"

Konzeption und Gestaltung

Till Berger, Wolf Rödiger
80939 München
E-Mail: administration"at"

(fotos, del sitio oficial)

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013


cameraflights - Fotos & Filme aus der Luft


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